A Guide to Your Lunch Hour Workout

A Guide to Your Lunch Hour Workout




It’s not about having time to exercise, it’s about making time to exercise. 

Now that summer has ended, most of us are back to our regular routines. It may seem as if the days are getting shorter while you are getting busier. These conditions don’t always make it easy to fit a workout into your daily routine. To help get you back on track, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you fit a workout into your lunch hour! Making time to workout is all about properly utilizing the time you do have available!

1. Be prepared


The more prepared you are, the more benefits you will receive from your workout. The night before, organize your gym bag in order to clear out unnecessary items and stock up on items that will streamline the process. It’s always a good idea to throw in some toiletries and a shower cap so you can rinse off before heading back to the office.

Instead of eating from the office cafeteria or stopping for fast food, prepare your lunch the night before. Last night’s leftover chicken with a loaded salad is a great lunch to fuel your workout! Working with a tight schedule is all about creativity.

2. Make a plan


Does your office have a gym? Is there a gym nearby with a lunch time workout? Do your research ahead of time and make a plan! Many gyms offer shorter classes during that time to appeal to those trying to fit in a lunch hour workout. Investigating beforehand will have you prepared and ready to go when it’s time to workout. However, if there isn’t a gym option near you, don’t be afraid to utilize the great outdoors. Lunch hour is the perfect time to go for a walk, jog, or run!

3. Think proactively

lunch hour

If you have a meeting scheduled after lunch, it may seem ambitious to fit in a strenuous workout. However, this is the perfect time to fit in a less intense workout such yoga, walking on the treadmill or at the local park. There is no need to skip out on a workout when you can simply modify.

On the other hand, if your afternoon is fairly clear, use your 30-40 minutes and work your hardest. An intense workout will get your blood pumping and you will be energized to finish your workday off strong!

4. Enjoy


You did it! You worked a full day AND fit in a workout! Now, it’s time to reward yourself for the hard work. Because you worked so hard during the day, you get the rest of the night off. You can reward yourself by going to dinner and celebrating with your friends, getting some frozen yogurt, taking a bubble bath, or shopping for the new workout shirt you’ve been eyeing. Have fun and enjoy, but don’t forget to prepare yourself for the next day!

11 thoughts on “A Guide to Your Lunch Hour Workout

  1. I don’t work out, mainly because I’m incredibly lazy but also I have limited time with four children. This proves I could find a moment!

  2. I love the idea of a lunch hour work out. September is my month for getting back on track with my fitness so thank you so much for this!

  3. I’ve never tried a lunchtime workout before, I tend to try and fit one in before work x

  4. These sound like some great tips to getting your lunch time work out on, fab that you can fit it into a busy day as well.

  5. I think the biggest factor is to be prepared. If you can keep a kit at work it really helps as does having a buddy as it takes your mind off the workout.

  6. Awesome of you can make this work. I’m an early morning workout person. I mean really early. It’s my favorite way to kickstart the day.

  7. People who use their lunch hour to exercise must really enjoy it! I like my food too much lol

  8. Working out at lunchtime isn’t overly practical for me, but I love going before work x

  9. Some great tips here, I really need to start looking into lunch time workouts

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