7 Natural Energy Boosters

7 Natural Energy Boosters

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The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. – Anthony Robbins

It is 2 PM on a Friday afternoon, the work day is still in full swing, but your energy levels are plummeting. We have all been there, we have all fought to keep our eyes open and our brains working in order to finish out the work week strong. The truth is, it isn’t always easy, but we’ve compiled a list of simple and natural ways to keep your energy going throughout the day!

Whether you are trying to finish out that work week, keep up with energy-filled children, or crank out your homework, we have a solution for you!

1. Stay Hydrated

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Dehydration is one of the most common causes of exhaustion. When you don’t drink enough water, your body works harder to support itself. This results in decreased levels of energy and an overall feeling of lethargy. Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking  lots of fluids and eating fruits and veggies with high water content! Check out our blog post about hydration for more tips on how to stay hydrated throughout the day.

2. Switch to Tea

boost energy

While attempting to boost your energy level midday, try brewing a cup of green tea instead of a pot of coffee! Green tea not only gives your body an extra boost of energy, but it is full of antioxidants that help to heighten your immune system. Drinking tea also eliminates the need for extra creamer and sugar, just squeeze a little lemon in your tea and you are good to go!

3. Eat Well

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Your body needs fuel! To feed your body the proper food, make sure to include quality proteins in your diet throughout your day. Eat beans and lean meats to boost glucose levels during digestion. This will help to keep your level of energy steady throughout the day rather than spike after eating sugary foods. It is also important to avoid foods that will simply bring your energy levels down. Whenever possible, avoid food with high levels of trans fat, saturated fats, and dairy products. These are known to slow down circulation which, in turn, decreases your energy level.

4. Snack Smartly

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When you are getting hungry after lunch, reach for fruit and veggies. Eating an apple or a kiwi is the perfect way to get extra vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. These snacks will keep you full and give you the sweetness you desire while stabilizing your blood sugar and giving you the boost in energy you desire.

5. Go Outside

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Exposing your body to sunlight can instantly increase your energy levels! When you are feeling lethargic in the office, take a 15 minute walk outside soak up the sunlight. Vitamin D from the sun not only increase your energy levels, but it will improve your mood!

6. Get Moving

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Regardless of your schedule, find a way to move! Whether you take a lap in the office, wake up early to go for a jog, or meet up with a personal trainer after work, find a way to get yourself moving. Exercise helps to increase blood flow to every part of your body which in turn keeps your more energized.

7. Breathe Deeply

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Don’t forget to breathe! Breathing properly is a key component to staying energized throughout the day! When you feel your energy start to dip, take deep breaths in and out slowly. This will allow oxygen to flow into your brain to give you the boost you crave!

It is normal for your energy level to drop throughout the day. We all work hard to stay focused on our daily activities, but sometimes it is important to focus on ourselves. By incorporating a few natural ways to boost your energy, you are sure to make it through the day happier and healthier!


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