Tips to Stay Fit this Fall

Tips to Stay Fit this Fall


Autumn is the second spring where every leaf is a flower. – Albert Camus

Yesterday marked the first official day of fall! It is finally time for orange leaves, apple cider, warm sweaters, and nights by the fireplace. Fall is magical; however, with this season comes colder weather and decreased motivation in regards to working out. To help you make it through this fall season as fit and as happy as ever, we’ve compiled a list of tips to keep you going!

1. New season, new routine


Now that summer has come to an end, traveling has ceased, it is now much easier to schedule weekly workouts and fit good wholesome meals into your day! However, with fall comes chilly weather and shorter days. To keep up your motivation to exercise and stay fit, change up your routine! Fall is the perfect time to try out a new workout studio, hire a personal trainer to learn how to improve your routine, or even workout from home. There are plenty of videos online ranging from easy to difficult that make it possible to workout from the comfort of your own home.

2. Keep warm


The chilly weather of fall may keep you indoors and send you away from the gym. However, layering up will keep you warm and cozy until you are well into your warmup. It’s important to keep your muscles warm before exercising to prevent muscle tearing and other injuries. Stock up on thermals, long leggings,  gloves, and head warmers. When you’re body warms up it will easy to remove layers and keep your body at a steady temperature!

3. Fall foods


It may seem as if apple pies, pumpkin spice lattes, and other fall treats are everywhere you go, but there are many healthy seasonal alternatives!  Pumpkins have many nutrients: vitamin c, fiber, iron, potassium, and much more! To maintain the benefits that pumpkins provide, try making pumpkin bread, pancakes or seeds to ensure you are getting the nutrients without the extra calories. A baked apple is another tasty treat that will be reminiscent of pumpkin pie. Pair it with warm mug of chai tea for the perfect warm fall treat!

4. Head outdoors


If you live in an area where fall means only slightly chilly temperatures, then this is your time to head outdoors and enjoy the weather.  It is a great time to explore different hiking or biking trails or even go for a jog in your neighborhood without sweating or feeling exhausted from the heat.

5. The holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner! For many this means family vacations and too many calories to count. Getting in acclimated to a fitness routine now will help to keep you on track during the most tempting moments of the holiday season.


Fall is the season of comfort. However, it is important to remember that health is above all else. Start today by making a goal to use this fall season to keep yourself fit and healthy!

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